Environmental Policy
dartmoor national park
Knowle Farm is a member of the Green Tourism Business Scheme
At Knowle Farm, we are looking to manage the effect of our business upon the environment in as sustainable a way as possible.
We will meet the minimum requirements set by environmental law in the country and fulfil our legal duty of care requirements for the disposal of waste.
We will aim to ensure we are minimising the harmful effects and maximising the beneficial influences our own activities have on the environment.
We welcome support, participation and suggestions from our guests as to how to continue to improve our environmental policy and protect the environment.
The following are some of the measures we are implementing:-
We have established wildlife woodland areas including ponds and river banks where nature is unaffected by outside influences.
Large areas of land have been planted with broad-leaf native trees and walks created for our guests to enjoy.
- We have a 10kW photovoltaic solar system installed which on a sunny day will provide enough electricity for the whole farm (cottages included).
We offer the opportunity for children and their parents to experience, close up, farm animals living in a free and natural environment.
We provide visitor information packs on local walks, cycle routes, public transport, wildlife parks, fauna and flora indigenous to our site, coast and countryside information and events. To view our Personal Wildlife Report from the Devon Wildlife Trust click here. To see what public transport options are nearby to us see our Location and Local Area page.
If you want to bring your bikes we have ample dry storage available.
We are seeking to minimise waste by recycling glass, paper/cardboard, plastic and tin containers, food waste and wherever possible other products.
We monitor our energy usage and seek to make energy savings through insulation, use of energy efficient appliances/lighting, light sensitive timers, provision of showers and use of "hippo bags" in cisterns. We actively encourage our guests to minimise their usage of fuel within their cottage.
We provide information on local markets, shops and producers including organic suppliers. We support and recommend many of our nearby pubs and restaurants.
We use local labour and suppliers and environmentally friendly products wherever possible.